The Pathmate Coaching Platform enables the efficient development and operation of scalable health programs.
Manoa is a data-driven chatbot that personally informs, motivates and guides people to improve their cardiovascular health.
Our platform provides the basis for the efficient development of coach-based health programs and patient journeys
Successful digital health programs based on our coaching platform
Pathmate Technologies was founded in 2017 as a spinoff from the Center for Digital Health Intervention at the University of St. Gallen and ETH Zurich.
Over several years, Pathmate has developed and continuously optimized its coaching platform and specializes in the development of digital health solutions. Our technology focuses on digital coaches.
Team of health psychologists, computer scientists and data analysts. Network and cooperation with research institutions and medical professionals. Development of > 15 digital coaches in industry and research. ISO 27001-certified coaching technology for efficient and safe development/operation of coaching solutions. Data on usage preferences and effectiveness of more than 100,000 users.